9207 TENAX
POLYCHLOROPRENE BASED ADHESIVELight not yellowing adhesive for closing room assembly, high tack, long open time, high green and final strength, particularly resistant to yellowing and therefore suitable for assembling light materials. It needs to be appliedonto both sides.
More information on the features and use see Technical Data Sheet.

E.S. 9400 - 9400/BCF
POLYCHLOROPRENE BASED ADHESIVE9400 is a one-part adhesive for closing room assembly, high tack, long open time, clear, non staining, it forms an elastic film and doeesn't stiffen the substrates. Also one way.
9400/BCF is a one-part adhesive for closing room assembly, medium viscosity, high tack, long open time, clear, non staining, it forms an elastic film and doesn't stiffen the substrates. Also one way.
More information on the features and use see Technical Data Sheet.

POLYCHLOROPRENE BASED ADHESIVE FOR CLOSING ROOM ASSEMBLYOne-part adhesive for closing room assembly, very prolonged tack, long open time, clear and not staining, it doesn't stiffen the substrates.
It can be applied also by roller spreader after a light diluition through Solvente AP.
More information on the features and use see Technical Data Sheet.